lundi 10 novembre 2014

Unhide Files and Folders after virus (Flash Disk / USB Drive / HDD)

After scanning your drive and removing all viruses, you may have noticed that all your files are gone, but the drive is still not empty.

This is because the virus made them Hidden and it is impossible to unhide them using file peroperties dialog. (Disabled checkbox)

So you need to do it using Windows command line (CMD)

1) Start Menu => Type "cmd"

2) Type these 2 commands and provide the drive letter of your device after the first command :

set /p driveletter=
Type your device's drive letter (I or K or L...)
attrib -s -h -a /s /d  %driveletter%:\*.*
3) Voila

dimanche 3 août 2014

SkypeRevealer : Access all skype discussion history on your Computer (Any account without password)

This is a small utility made using Flex/Air, whitch allows you to access all skype discussions stored on your computer without providing any password, all you need is just the username of the user that used Skype on your computer.

In order to view a chat session, you need to :

1) Download SkypeRevealer for windows (Download), or Adobe Air version  (Download), if you are on Linux or Mac, Please install Adobe Air Runtime before using this application (Here Adobe Air).

2) Enter a valid Skype uername then click check

3) If you entered a valid username you will see somthing like this.

4) Choose the contact from the list in order to view the entire conversation

5) Enjoy :) and Support by Paypal